2025 Luray Swap Meet & Model T Tour

Shenandoah Valley Racketeers Invite You to a Model T Tour

The Shenandoah Valley Racketeers, a Chapter of the MTFCI, are proud to announce the 3nd Annual MTFCI Regional Tour in addition to the 11th Annual Mid-Atlantic Pre-War Swap Meet, we will have a three day Model T Tour following the Swap Meet.

The Mid-Atlantic Pre-War Swap Meet is Friday, May 9th & Saturday, May 10th.

The Tour will start Sunday, May 11th thru Tuesday, May 13th.

  • This tour is limited to 50 Model T’s due to the limited hotel accommodations.

  • Pre-registration is required.

  • Truck and Trailer parking will be provided.

  • This tour is for Model T’s only as a MTFCI Self-Inspection Form and MTFCI membership are required.

Hope to have you Tour with us!

Overall Schedule:

The Mid-Atlantic Pre-War Swap Meet is Friday, May 9 & Saturday, May 10.
The Model T Tour will start Sunday, May 11 thru Tuesday, May 13.

We will start each day from the VFW (Swap Meet Location)
This is a scenic Mountain Tour and will include gravel roads. Come prepared to have some fun T Times

Saturday Evening, May 10:

  • Registration Banquet

  • Kickoff Dinner

  • Dinner is included in your registration fee

Sunday, May 11:

  • We will tour the scenic valley of Page County, the Town of Stanley and Shenandoah with lunch at Cooter’s Garage, the Dukes of Hazzard Museum.

  • Lunch included

Monday, May 12:

  • We will tour across the Blue ridge Mountain to Sperryville VA “Little Washington est 1796”.
    US Customs dog training facility & Front Royal VA

  • Lunch included

Tuesday, May 13:

  • We will tour Fort Valley VA & Strasburg VA.

  • Lunch included

  • Tuesday evening starting at 5pm after the tour, weather permitting we will have a get together bon fire at the VFW (swap meet location). Bring your own chairs, food*, beverages & smiles. *The VFW will have Hotdogs, Hamburgers and soft drinks available for purchase during the bonfire.


Tour fees include: Saturday evening Kickoff Dinner at the VFW. Morning coffee stops and Lunch on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. All entrance fees for the locations visited.

Please print and complete the attached registration form, mail a check and the MTFCI self-inspection form to: Brian Dowell 7230 Drexler Rd St. Clair MI 48079. Cell: 586-864-5110.